Getting Started

Your first visit

Your first visit to Abbotsford Orthodontics will be a complimentary initial exam and consultation to evaluate your orthodontic needs. When you arrive, you will be seen by our records technician first who will be gathering the required diagnostic imaging that Dr. Felty and Dr. Thong need for accurate treatment planning. This includes photos of the face and teeth, a panoramic and cephalometric radiograph, and a 3D scan/image capture (no messy impressions!) The panoramic x-ray helps determine the position and development of permanent teeth that have not erupted yet, locate impacted or missing teeth, shortened or damaged tooth roots and assess the amount of supporting bone. The cephalometric x-ray shows us the facial form, growth pattern and position of the teeth.

Following the diagnostic records, Dr. Felty or Dr. Thong will do a complete examination of your profile, teeth, and jaw relationships. Dr. Felty or Dr. Thong will determine if orthodontic treatment is indicated now, or if treatment at a later date is beneficial. The doctor will address the best plan of action to correct any problems identified, the estimated length of time required, and an approximate cost for treatment. This visit lasts approximately one hour and is offered to you at no charge. The information obtained from this visit will be used to develop a custom treatment plan. These records also help track the progress of your treatment. Our treatment coordinator will discuss the details of your treatment, finalize payment options and prepare insurance. You will leave your consultation with everything you need to start your orthodontic treatment!

We want to ensure your teeth are healthy prior to starting orthodontic treatment. We recommend having a recent check up and cleaning at your general dentist’s office prior to attending your consultation at Abbotsford Orthodontics.

Please call or email our office to schedule your complimentary consultation appointment.

Regular appointments

The appointment to place your initial appliances, can range from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. Once treatment begins, you will see us on regular intervals of 6-8 weeks for adjustments which will only take 20-30 minutes.

We place great value on you and your time and appreciate the effort you spend to come in and see us. Therefore, we make every effort to try and stay on time and on schedule, and ask that you extend the same courtesy to us. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please notify us to reschedule as soon as possible.

Your cooperation

Your cooperation is essential to achieving your ideal smile. We will work to keep you informed as your treatment progresses so you can stay actively involved in your treatment.

In order to achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time and at the lowest cost you can do several things to help us out.

  • Inform us immediately if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions
  • Keep up excellent oral hygiene and make sure that you are still seeing your general (family) dentist for regular cleanings and exams every 3-6 months
  • Avoid extremely hard (nuts, ice) and sticky (taffy, caramel) foods which can damage or break your appliances
  • Wear elastics and appliances as prescribed by Dr. Felty and Dr. Thong and make sure to follow all treatment instructions
  • And last but not least – have fun with your orthodontic treatment!
